Herb Remedies: For the Flu

Upper respiratory infection helps us clean out debris in the intercellular spaces that did not get eliminated on its own through the lymphatic system. If you think you have a cold, it can become the flu. If you think it is the flu, than it can go deeper into the body and become more serious illness. Taken aspirin to lower a fever means that you return the body to a temperature more hospitable to the virus, one of the functions of fever is to kill viruses. We need to speed up the natural process rather than suppress it,( only provided that the fever is not too high and the patient is not a infant). Specific treatment for the flu depends on the individual and the type of flu. There are some measures that are helpful for all.
Tea: Use equal parts of boneset ( known as feverwort ), yarrow and elder berries. Put 1/2 c. of the herbal mix in 1 qt. of boiled water, cover, and let steep for 15-25 minutes. Put in a thermos, drink as much as possible until the fever breaks ( 1-2 qt. daily for first few days is usually what it takes ) These herbs have a tradition of use in fever management. They are diaphoretics, meaning that they promote sweating, which speeds the process of elimination of toxins. Bonest is bitter, but when you are sick, often the taste will not bother you. When you start objecting to the state, that is a good sign you are getting better and than you can cut down on the tea.
Always be sure to check on a doctor before taking any herbs.

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